Maybe I'm crazy, but I really want run a marathon. It's such an exclusive, life altering event. Twenty-six and two tenths miles. 26.2 miles. 26 miles 385 yards. No Matter how you say it, it's the same distance. Guaranteed. No cheating. Start to finish everyone is watching. Start to finish I'm running.
I was first introduced to the Boston Marathon when my step-sister ran it. During my years of high school track no coach introduced me to distance running. I was a little too... too... stocky, so I stuck with shot put and discus throwing and ran the 400 meter hurtles - I loved to hate that race. Three years ago, I moved to Massachusetts and started running semi-regularly as a way of exploring my new surroundings. My boyfriend, Dave, has really helped get me even more interested in fitness over the past year.
With my increased interest in fitness, I watched the 2006 Boston Marathon on TV thinking that it's really something I can do. I can run. I can run far. I can run up a hill. I can run fast. Can I train? Can I put in the hours? Can I qualify? Can I get a number? Will I finish?
I checked the Boston Athletic Association website to get the answers to most of my questions. I wanted this life changing even to happen sooner rather than later so I decide I would put in applications with charity organizations and try to get a number on one of those teams.
Today, I accepted my application to run with the Boston Medical Center team. Team BMC run in support of the Boston Medical Center mission to provide consistently excellent and accessible health services to all in need of care regardless of status and ability to pay.
I am looking forward to how much this event will change my life. I am looking forward to making new running friends. I'm looking forward to raising money for a great cause.
I won't be able to do this without motivation and support from all of my friends, family and coworkers. Thank you to those of you who have already helped me make this decision, those of you already providing support, and to those who I know I can count on to take this journey with me. Throughout the process, please leave your comments, advice, motivation, encouragement, your own story or hey, just call me crazy.
Maybe I am crazy. April 16, 2007. Start to finish I'm crazy.