Monday, November 13, 2006

First Team BMC Meeting

I attended the first Team BMC meeting last Tuesday. There is a wide range of experience on the team from people like me who have never run a marathon all the way to one woman who has 15 under her belt. It was good to meet the people that I'll be spending some long Saturday mornings with this winter. BMC set us up with a fundraising website - you can view mine here.

Speaking of winter... it was 65 degrees outside on Saturday! I hope all winter is like that! OK, so then it poured on Sunday, but hey at least I had Saturday. I went out for a beautiful 5-miler. I used the pace feature on my Garmin (thank you, Dave!). Everytime I went to slow or to fast it beeped so loud! I actually forgot to turn this feature off at the gym tonight and I think I annoyed the guy next to me for awhile. Oops... sorry guy next to me!

I am planning to run in the Braintree High School Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. It's a 5K, which is right in line with my training for that day. I'd like to run a PR, but we'll see. I haven't been running to fast the past couple of weeks, but I'll still give it my all.

So I need to plan some fundraising so if anyone has any ideas, please leave some comments! This is my first big solo fundraising experience so any thoughts would help. Thanks!

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