While out on my long run Sunday all I could think about was writing about how incredible autumn is (as if I haven't said it enough). I was going to write about the smell of the leaves, the smell of the "one-last-barbeque" for the year parties, the look of the families out to enjoy the last warm days, the refreshing feeling of the cool autumn air and on my skin, and so many more sensations I felt during the run. However...
I finished the run just about 10 yards before my apartment and as I was walking up the hill I thought, "Wow my calf is really tight. That's weird. I better make sure I stretch it out." And I actually listened to myself. I went inside, grabbed my yoga strap and stretched my calf out and everything else for that matter. All was well and good. And then...
Dave made dinner for us and we watched game 7 of the Red Sox vs. Indians series (Red Sox won) while flipping back and forth to the History channel to learn all about the story of the The 300 and Sparta and Persia and all that (I am totally into that by the way). So all was good as I sat on the couch. Then I stood up. Wow, really tight calf. Again, so weird. Oh well. I say goodnight to Dave and head home. I walk up the stairs. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch... I have a lot of stairs. Oh - I was also carrying two bags of groceries and two laundry baskets. I do not feel well...
I call Dave. My calf is so tight and I don't know what to do. I will heat it and take Monday off. No. He looks up a ton of information online and comes to my apartment. He checks out my legs to see if there is any swelling, gets me set up in an ice pack, gives me a massage and puts me to bed. And I'm sure things will be better Monday morning. I wake up Monday morning...
And its even tighter! How is this possible!? What did I do?! Dave encourages me to call the doctor and so does my manager (my boss at work who doubles as my running coach although I don't know if he realizes that part). They are able to get me in that day. I suffer through the day and go to the doctor. She says...
"Well, you didn't tear your achilles and it is still intact." She said intact. INTACT - as if it really could come off!!! Oh my word!! "I think you just have a strain/sprain." I don't know what she said there because I was just waiting to hear the you-can't-run-for-a-million-years-and-why-would-you-want-to-anyway speech that all doctors who don't run like to give. But - this girl is actually a runner! YES! She says take two days off and then I can return to 50% intensity, distance, etc. She also gave me a precription for Naproxen so I can get the swelling down and make the pain go away. Then Tuesday comes...
Tuesday is here and I've been set up with a Physical Therapy referral. I'm icing and heating my leg and being totally lazy. It does not feel that much better and I don't know that the pain meds are necessarily helping. I will be reassesing tomorrow as to whether I can try a run or not. My guess is I won't be ready and better just sit for a while more so I don't take myself out completely. I'm hoping I can at least try a yoga class with some modifications for my achilles.
My fingers are crossed that everything turns out well.
I finished the run just about 10 yards before my apartment and as I was walking up the hill I thought, "Wow my calf is really tight. That's weird. I better make sure I stretch it out." And I actually listened to myself. I went inside, grabbed my yoga strap and stretched my calf out and everything else for that matter. All was well and good. And then...
Dave made dinner for us and we watched game 7 of the Red Sox vs. Indians series (Red Sox won) while flipping back and forth to the History channel to learn all about the story of the The 300 and Sparta and Persia and all that (I am totally into that by the way). So all was good as I sat on the couch. Then I stood up. Wow, really tight calf. Again, so weird. Oh well. I say goodnight to Dave and head home. I walk up the stairs. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch... I have a lot of stairs. Oh - I was also carrying two bags of groceries and two laundry baskets. I do not feel well...
I call Dave. My calf is so tight and I don't know what to do. I will heat it and take Monday off. No. He looks up a ton of information online and comes to my apartment. He checks out my legs to see if there is any swelling, gets me set up in an ice pack, gives me a massage and puts me to bed. And I'm sure things will be better Monday morning. I wake up Monday morning...
And its even tighter! How is this possible!? What did I do?! Dave encourages me to call the doctor and so does my manager (my boss at work who doubles as my running coach although I don't know if he realizes that part). They are able to get me in that day. I suffer through the day and go to the doctor. She says...
"Well, you didn't tear your achilles and it is still intact." She said intact. INTACT - as if it really could come off!!! Oh my word!! "I think you just have a strain/sprain." I don't know what she said there because I was just waiting to hear the you-can't-run-for-a-million-years-and-why-would-you-want-to-anyway speech that all doctors who don't run like to give. But - this girl is actually a runner! YES! She says take two days off and then I can return to 50% intensity, distance, etc. She also gave me a precription for Naproxen so I can get the swelling down and make the pain go away. Then Tuesday comes...
Tuesday is here and I've been set up with a Physical Therapy referral. I'm icing and heating my leg and being totally lazy. It does not feel that much better and I don't know that the pain meds are necessarily helping. I will be reassesing tomorrow as to whether I can try a run or not. My guess is I won't be ready and better just sit for a while more so I don't take myself out completely. I'm hoping I can at least try a yoga class with some modifications for my achilles.
My fingers are crossed that everything turns out well.
1 comment:
Ouch! I hope it heals up quickly. I know how much of a pain (literally and figuratively) injuries are to deal with and I hope it doesn't last very long. (I just got over missing the whole summer because of a shin issue. I'm blaming the road...)
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