Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I'm freakin' out, man! Why you asked? Well...

First, I woke up at 4:30 am to run. I love running, but I never wake up early to do it. I would estimate that I've tried to wake up early about 2,000 times and have really only been successful approximately twice. That works out to 0.1%. Terrible. But this morning I did it! I was wide awake for some reason this morning. I will admit that I tried to fall back asleep, but I just couldn't do it. I was so happy to run to. Once I was out there doing it I kind of wished I could stay out longer and go in late to work. I managed to get 4 miles in this morning.

Second, it's January 8th and it was 47 degrees out when I went running this morning. The forecast is calling for 60 degrees as the high for today. I'll repeat - it's January! How crazy is that!?

Tonight I'm headed to a power yoga class with a couple ladies from my teacher training. It should be a good time. I love this class.

I'm also headed to get my new blackberry for work tonight. Oooo fancy shmancy!

1 comment:

Murphy's Law said...

did you run the marathon this year? jill