Friday night I had a small (ok large) freak out session. I really had no idea how I was going to make it 20.5 miles from Framingham to Boston. Framingham - the T doesn't even go to Framingham. People I work with take the commuter rail from there and it takes forever! How in the world was I going to make it running? Thank God Dave is around to calm me down. He encouraged me that I would be able to make it and I was ready. I refused to believe him, which forced him to resort to reverse psychology. He told me I wouldn't make it and maybe I shouldn't have signed up for this and maybe I should just forget about all the other races I wanted to do. Yes, this sounds mean, but it's really what I needed because I woke up at 5:30 on Saturday morning set out to prove him wrong.
The buses were leaving Fitcorp at 7:10am and if I didn't make it then I didn't get to run so I was sure to leave on time. I arrived at Fitcorp still partially asleep and not knowing what the heck to wear. It was only 36 degrees out, but it would be warmer on the way back and very sunny. I'd like to thank the girl that helped Sarah, Stephanie and I out with what to wear. She recognized quickly this was our first 20 miler and told us to wear shorts and a light long sleeve so that's just what I did. It felt so good to head out in shorts!
I got a little motion sickness on the bus ride out to Framingham, but nothing some fresh air wouldn't take care of. Once we arrived and I got the Garmin going the three of us were off. The only bad thing was we headed out a little too fast for our own good so we had to slow it down, which wasn't too hard once we hit the hill going up over 128.
I like to think of these Saturday long runs as "Girls Morning Out" because all we do is talk. In fact the three of us talked for the entire run. Towards the end we were even singing '80's songs to each other! Maybe we were delirious from all the candy, GU and gatorade we had at each of the water stops, but hey we were having fun.
This was by far the most I've had on a long run. Coming up Beacon Hill at the end the three of us had the biggest smiles on our faces - it's sick, I know. Stephanie even looked right at one woman and said, "We just ran from Framingham!" The woman looked at us as if we were half crazy and she gave us a cheer.
We got back to Fitcorp in 3 hours, 16 minutes and 40 seconds. I was really happy with that especially considering we took leisurely stops for water and food and also talked a lot.
The three of us walked into Fitcorp and Team BMC gave us high fives and cheers of congratulations. We then cheered for each person who walked in after that. Everyone was so excited and full of energy. Some of the guys were even going out for beers after! I can't imagine being that depleted of calories and drinking a beer - I'd be drunk after two sips!
I decided it was best to skip out on the drinking and go home for some rest. I immediately showered and iced when I got home. The picture in this entry is my post-run icing: one pack on each knee and one on my hip. The icing really helps eliminate the pain, which I'm thankful for - even if I don't look very sexy!
I can't wait for Marathon Monday to run those extra 6 miles and actually run a full marathon. The taper is going to be difficult, but well worth it. In the meantime, I'll be keeping busy hopefully updating this blog, reading, cleaning - oh and doing my taxes. Ew!
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