Saturday, April 21, 2007

I Finished!

It's been five days since I finished the 2007 Boston Marathon and I still can't believe it! I've looked up my results about a billion times, seen them printed in the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald, but I just still feel like I'm dreaming.

The weather predictions were not good, but by the end of the week most meteorologists were predicting a "break" in the Nor'easter. I think that break came just in time for my second wave start because it sure wasn't there as Team BMC was loading the buses! As we waited for the buses it was pouring rain. We were all dressed in many layers with our waterproof gear on the outside. I managed to stay fairly warm waiting for the bus, but the downside to dressing so warm was that the bus ride became very hot. I had to take off my bottom Under Armour layer on the bus so everyone got a little skin show! Hey, a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do.

We got to Hopkinton with just enough time to pee - thanks to the BAA for having a million plus port-a-johns, there was very little wait - head up to the tent, realize it was way too muddy and find the gym. It was great of Hopkinton to open the gymnasium for us. I honestly don't know how I would have kept my feet dry if they hadn't done that. We all changed quickly into our race shoes and clothes and headed out to drop off bags and get to the start. Because we arrived so late - we were the last people on the bus - we had little time to change and thus ended up not having to wait in the corrals. We basically just walked right up to the start line and started running.

For the first mile or so I just kept thinking, "I can't believe I am running the Boston Marathon!" It almost didn't seem real. Time and miles went by so fast. Before I knew it we were in Framingham running by the train station. The three of us girls (Sarah, Steph and myself) kept getting a little extra push from the crowd, but between the three of us we were able to keep each other paced very well.

I couldn't wait to see my family on Heartbreak Hill, but as it turns out I missed them! I was crushed! It definitely dampened my spirits not seeing them, but Sarah and Steph had lots of support that I fed off of and the crowd was always encouraging.

At the mile 23 water stop, Sarah and I lost Steph. We had no idea what to do because we didn't want to leave her, but as soon as I stopped my legs thought they were done and started cramping so I had to get going so Sarah and I had to push on without her. It was sad to be split up.

We hit the downhill going under the Mass Ave. overpass and my quads were screaming at me. At that point, I just kept saying outloud to myself, "mind over matter." I had read so much that "the wall" is a mental thing before it's physical so I had to push myself past that pain mentally. It worked and as Sarah and I turned onto Hereford I started to get choked up. I realized I couldn't do that because if I did I wouldn't be able to breathe! As we turned onto Boylston all the pain I felt in my legs disappeared! My legs felt fresh and new as if I had just started! Sarah and I sprinted - a.k.a. gave it our all - for the finish line. I could not believe what we were about to accomplish.

We crossed the mat together in 4:11:00. I had met two out of three of my goals. Goal #1: Finish. Goal #2: Finish in 4:15:00. Goal #3: Finish in 4:00:00. I was so happy! We hugged and congratulated one another as we headed off to get our medals, blankets and food.

I met my family at the family meeting area provided by the BAA. As soon as I saw my older sister, Amy, I just lost it and started crying! I don't even know why I was crying. I was not sad. I just had so much emotion and that's how it happened to come out. I hugged each of my family members as they held me and congrulated me. It felt so good to see them and they were all so happy.

Michael, my nephew, had to take off my shoes for me because I couldn't bend over. Dave had to put dry pants on me while I took off my wet shirts and put on a dry shirt and my Boston Marathon Jacket.

My family had to leave after the race so we had dinner and said our goodbyes. I was so happy they could come out for the weekend! There support really helped me get through those 26.2 miles.

Dave took me out for Dairy Freeze ice cream. I had a flurry with chocolate ice cream, cookie dough and heath bar. So good!

I went to bed that night at about 10:00pm. I woke up Tuesday at 7:00am, called my manager to tell him I couldn't walk and went back to sleep until noon.

Tuesday was the worst day for soreness. I couldn't walk. My knees, hips, quads and hamstrings all hurt really bad. I made out with only one blister on my right foot on the toe that the nail fell off of. By Wednesday I was back to work with only sore quads and hamstrings and by Thursday the soreness was virtually gone. I think it was the combination of meds/supplements I was taking: ibuprofen, glucosamine-chondroitin, protein, muscle cream and vitamin C.

I went out for my first run today of 3.5 miles. It felt good to be running again, but I am definitely not back to 100% yet. My inner thing/hip feels like it needs some WD-40. Do they make that for body parts?

I'm thinking of which fall marathon to sign up for, but I've got quite a few in mind. Hopefully I can take the 31 minutes off my time to qualify for the 2008 Boston Marathon.

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