Saturday, October 20, 2007

Having Fun

I felt like having some fun today so I threw out whatever was on my schedule today and went up to the track to run. I wore my iPod, which I never do anymore, but I downloaded some new music that I wanted to check out.

The sun was shining. I was singing Milli-Vanilli style. I was having fun. I did 4 miles total, which is good for me at the track because going in circles gets a bit boring. I mixed in some strides and a fast mile.

I felt invigorated afterward because it was just great to put some music on and enjoy the outdoors while doing something I love.

1 comment:

The 311 Boys Mom said...

Hi, I jsut met you(stumbled on you through Sarah's) & you are awesome & I love your Blog & you are a true inspratio, I said that one other time today, but I have to say, if you've been doing this for a yr & are running a 1:42 1/ mararthon you're pretty frickin awesome.

I just did my first 5K & Holy Macral 1:42 for a half doesn't EVER seem attainable. . . . .

maybe though, I guess i'll never know till I try it.

BTW, I love Yoga.......I'm going back to it, i miss it. . . .it is a wonderful thing.