Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Popsicle Fun!

So I went to the doctor today and she said I don't have strep throat, but I do have laryngitis because of some kind of viral infection. I have to say this diagnosis was pretty obvious considering that I can only speak in small whispers. (I'm sure Dave is loving this!)

The good news is that I told the doctor popsicles make my throat feel better and she said I can eat as many as I want! Wahoo!! So I went to Stop & Shop and bought a container of Sherbet. I know that's not a popsicle, but it's cold and it will feel good and I already have huge box of popsicles in the freezer.

The bad news is that this puts my half marathon training on hold a bit. My doctor said I need lots of rest so that means no running. I will take her advice until I can't stand it any longer and sneak out for a run anyway. Shh... don't tell Dave!

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