Tuesday, June 19, 2007

First LT Workout

Tonight was my first lactate threshold workout and I really hope I did it right because it kicked my butt! I did 8 total miles with 2 miles as a warmup, 4 miles at half marathon pace, and 2 miles as a cool down.

My first two warm up miles were 8:39 min./mi. and 8:33 min./mi. In retrospect, these were probably a bit too fast for a warm-up. I should probably aim around 8:45 or 9:00 min./mi. My next four miles I tried to do at half marathon pace. The two half marathons I ran were an 8:22 and 8:30 pace so I was aiming for somewhere around there. Instead I ran an 8:12, 8:04, 8:02 and 7:45. I was really happy to see myself pick up speed with each mile. My last two cool down miles were 9:17 (whoa!) and 9:00. Time really flew by tonight. I had no idea I was out there for 1:07:39. It seemed like half an hour!

I think a lot of the time flying by has to do with the fact that I am running without my iPod. I have no music to listen too and therefore am forced to listen to my body and concentrate on my form. I think my leg turnover has really improved because I haven't had the music to distract me. I'm really working on improving my leg turnover, not running up and down (sometimes I sink down too much into my knees), and keeping my wrists loose.

I also did my upper body workout tonight. It consisted of chest press, prone arm lifts, triceps, chest fly, bicep curls, tricep extensions and push-ups. Whoa! I am definitely going to be sore tomorrow. I haven't lifted with my upper body in sooo long!

Tomorrow I'm scheduled for 4 miles of recovery. I work from home tomorrow and am hoping that the rain/thunderstorms that we're supposed to get aren't around at lunchtime so I can get my run in then. I also hope to get to Healing Tree Yoga for my Pilates class tomorrow night too. I love that class!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Impressive that you could do that without your iPod!! Good run and great upper body workout...you sore today??